Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has made several changes to its food assistance programs to keep kids healthy during the national emergency. The changes allow states to maximize the reach of existing food safety nets, while benefiting from additional federal funds. With unprecedented levels of…...
Senators have 17 days to bring COVID-19 relief to Nebraska families
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep flaws in public policies that uphold inequities in wealth, health, and well-being for too many Nebraskans. The worst of the health and economic devastation has fallen the hardest on Nebraska families that were already least likely to have a stable job that pays…...
NEWS RELEASE: Nebraska Has yet to Apply for Federal Pandemic Food Assistance
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Julia Isaacs Tse Phone: 808-722-8546 Email: Over 170,600 Nebraska Children Eligible for Federal Pandemic Food Assistance Omaha, NE – Nebraska children in low-income households have lost access to low or no-cost meals due to school closures amidst the COVID-19 public health emergency. In response, Congress authorized the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer…...
NEWS RELEASE: Advocates Renew Call to Protect Youth in Custody
NEWS RELEASE Advocates Renew Call to Protect Youth in Custody For Immediate Release April 3, 2020 1 P.M. CDT LINCOLN, Neb. – Friday, following news yesterday that a YRTC-Kearney staff member tested positive for COVID-19, Nebraska advocacy organizations and individuals sent a second cosigned letter to Nebraska Supreme Court Chief…...
Stand up for Kids in 2020!
The legislative session is well underway, and the Voices for Children team has been busy reviewing bills and working to ensure that state lawmakers have what they need to make decisions that best support all Nebraska kids. Over 400 bills were introduced this year, and dozens of carryover bills from…...
Statement: Nebraska Sees New Historic Lows for Child Poverty Rate
Despite progress, significant disparities remain for Nebraska’s children of color Today, the U.S. Census Bureau released new data from the American Community Survey that provide state and local data on child poverty. The data show good news with the percent of children in Nebraska living in poverty falling 1.2 percentage…...
New Federal Rule Would Increase Child Hunger in Nebraska
Last month, the Trump administration announced a new proposed rule that would take away food assistance from working families who are struggling to make ends meet. The proposed rule would make an estimated 3 million Americans ineligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). What the proposal doesIf adopted, the…...
Proposed Federal Rule Threatens the Good Life for Nebraska Kids and Families
Our country is one that offers the promise of opportunity for all. Here in Nebraska, we know that our state is stronger when all families can reach their full potential and contribute to our communities. This weekend, the Trump Administration announced a proposal that, if implemented, would be a direct…...