In this statement, we want to offer a message about Voices for Children in Nebraska, our mission, and our values, and to state how we see Voices for Children forwarding the work of anti-racism and anti-oppression.
Voices for Children is deeply committed to using our resources to combat White supremacy; to pursuing equitable justice in our state; and to being held accountable for taking action.
In many ways, we remain suspicious of anti-racist statements as performative. It seems more honest to say that no matter our intentions, we acknowledge that we are complicit because we work from and within a context that is embedded in inequity. We are looking for the best way forward we can find, with vulnerability and humility. We are committed to showing up, learning from our missteps, and forwarding the process of justice and that starts with recognizing the potential value of messages like this. We offer this message in recognition that racial inequity, both in society as a whole and in Nebraska, will require collaborative and coordinated efforts to be dismantled. Messages like this, we hope, make that collective work more possible. With this statement, we aim to externally communicate our internal beliefs, and to commit explicitly to anti-racism and anti-oppression. In doing so, we open ourselves to be held accountable, to create relationships of solidarity, and to generate collective action.
Voices for Children in Nebraska is committed to uplifting and amplifying the voices of those most harmed by systemic racism, poverty and other injustices. Through our advocacy, community engagement, and data and research efforts, we will work to serve Nebraska children and families, specifically BIPOC and other marginalized communities.
We recognize that historically we have operated in ways that have perpetuated ongoing harms. We cannot promise to never do harm again, nor undo past harms we have inflicted. We will work to center the voices of those with lived experience in efforts to dismantle oppressive dynamics of power and privilege. These efforts will be ongoing, fluid, and woven into the core of our organization. We understand that this work is a lifelong process and we commit to learning and challenging ourselves to understand and correct the great inequities that exist in society. We value input on how we can be a stronger partner for creating a more equitable future for children and families.
We commit to:
- Ongoing analysis of our internal and external policies and practices from an anti-racist and anti-oppression lens.
- Ongoing staff and board education on systemic racism and oppression and implementation of anti-racist practices.
- Working to ensure that our research, advocacy, and community engagement efforts have specific and measurable racial equity goals and a willingness to be held accountable for progress.
- Centering and supporting communities and individuals with lived experience in our work and welcoming the diverse thoughts, opinions, and experiences that exist within communities.
- Using our social media channels and newsletters to share anti-racist and anti-oppressive resources and promoting the work of community partners, especially those primarily led by and serving communities of color.
- Disaggregating data by race and ethnicity, when possible. When it is not possible, we commit to providing context to help the public understand how the issue affects groups differently and to avoid victim-blaming or supporting racist ideologies.
- Continuing to examine our fundraising practices through an anti-racist and anti-oppressive lens and working to reduce harm in this area of our work.
Catherine Shapiro says
July 11, 2023 at 7:11 pmGood afternoon. I agree completely with the idea that children need a voice in Nebraska and elsewhere! My name is Catherine Shapiro. I’ve been granted the unique opportunity. Since March 2023. I have been the host of a local radio program here in South Florida. It’s called the Creative Space. I’m a mixed media artist and a one-time visitor to Omaha. I become acquainted with the office and your work in a rather unique way! Your kindness made an impression when I came to assist a family friend with her desire to return to S. Florida. During our drive back home, she described your work in detail. I’ve kept track over the years and I would really like to help you in any way you feel appropriate. Please contact me via direct message. Let me know if you need anything for upcoming events. You can contact me though my web page or. direct message to any social media platforms.
Juliet Summers says
July 21, 2023 at 4:09 pmThank you Catherine. Sorry for the late response.
We would love your help. Any ideas? Donations are always great, but I know there are lots of other ways to help. With you being in Florida, distance might be a factor, but let me know your thoughts! Thanks you!