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The Cost of Juvenile Justice: A Case Scenario Study

The juvenile justice system works to protect public safety, hold youth appropriately accountable for their crimes, and empower youth to become productive, law-abiding citizens. Best practice in juvenile justice recognizes that incarceration is contrary to the best interests and well-being of youth and emphasizes the need for effective and appropriate…...

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Race for Results Spotlight: Hispanic and Latino Children

The 2017 Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation documents that racial and ethnic disparities prevent children of color and children from immigrant families from achieving success on key milestones. The data measure 12 indicators and produce an index…...

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Race for Results Spotlight: Asian Pacific Islander Children

The Annie E. Casey foundation’s 2017 Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children report addresses the well-being of children of color and children from immigrant families.The data show racial and ethnic disparities between children by measuring 12 indicators and producing an index score for each group…...

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SNAP Feeds Nebraska

As we gather to give thanks for the blessings in our lives and the food on our tables, let us all take the time to appreciate the programs that help feed and strengthen our communities for struggling families. Here in our nation’s breadbasket, 1 in 7 Nebraska families struggles to…...

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Race for Results: Spotlight on American Indian Children

The Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children is the Annie E. Casey foundation’s 2017 report on the well-being of children of color and children from immigrant families. The data measures 12 indicators and produces an index score to explain racial and ethnic disparities among children.…...

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Race for Results: Spotlight on African American Children

The 2017 Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children has released data revealing that racial and ethnic disparities prevent children of color and children from immigrant families from achieving success on key milestones. In Nebraska, African American children scored the lowest overall with an index score…...

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Nebraska sees lowest child poverty rate since Great Recession

Today the U.S. Census Bureau released the results of the 2016 American Community Survey. We at Voices rely heavily on this annual data to help us track the current state of Nebraska children, and sprinkle its data throughout our annual Kids Count in Nebraska Report. One of the key data…...

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Kids Count National Data Book – Family and Community

Last month the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2017 KIDS COUNT Data Book, providing an annual snapshot of how America’s children and families are faring in every state and across the nation. In it, Nebraska received an 11th place ranking in overall child well-being. Over the past few weeks we have been…...

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Nebraska 11th Best State in the Country to be a Kid

Today, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2017 KIDS COUNT Data Book, an annual snapshot of how America’s children and families are faring in every state and across the nation. The indicators tracked by KIDS COUNT reflect a range of milestone and supportive conditions that young people need to succeed…...

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Emerging Adults: Health

The 2016 Kids Count in Nebraska Report includes an in-depth look at the first steps young people take along their transition away from childhood – emerging adulthood. This is a time of profound growth and development coupled with frequent life changes. The decisions made during these years lead to lifelong…...

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