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LB 1020: Expansion of School-Based Health Centers

As introduced:  The bill would provide grant funding for the start-up costs of new school-based health centers with a preference for health shortage and high poverty areas. Introducing Senator(s): Nordquist, Ashford, Campbell, Council, Howard, Mello Committee: Education Committee...

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LB 952: Restoration of Proposed Medicaid Cuts

As introduced: Every year on December 1st, the Director of the Nebraska Medicaid Program submits a letter to the Legislature detailing intended cuts to Medicaid services.  This bill would have restored the proposed cuts. Introducing Senator(s): Nordquist, Avery, Bloomfield, Campbell, Conrad, Cook, Council, Dubas, Gloor, Howard, Krist, McGill, Mello...

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LB 837: Create a task force to review certain drugs for state wards

As introduced: This bill would create a task force to review and provide recommendations on the use of psychotropic drugs by state wards and the administration of these drugs. As amended: none Introducing Senator(s): Howard...

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LB 826: Legislative Approval of Medicaid Cuts

As introduced: The bill would require legislative approval of all significant policy changes to the Medicaid program including cutting or eliminating services or increasing co-pays. Introducing Senator(s): Dubas, Bloomfield, Campbell, Cook, Krist, Lathrop, McGill, Mello, Nordquist Committee: Health and Human Services Committee...

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LB 1038: Blood Lead Poisoning Prevention

As introduced:  The bill would require blood-lead testing prior to school enrollment and refer parents whose children have high blood-lead levels to special education resources. As amended: The bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services to develop a prevention and outreach plan to prevent and treat elevated blood…...

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LB 599: Allow All Low-Income Mothers to Receive Prenatal Care Coverage under Medicaid

This bill would direct the Department of Health and Human Services to apply for a state plan amendment or waiver to provide prenatal services under the targeted low-income child health option of the CHIP. Program services would be prenatal care and pregnancy-related services connected to the health of the unborn…...

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Hungry in the Heartland

Milo Perkins, the administrator of the first food stamp program in the late 1930s, described the reason for its existence as such:  “We got a picture of a gorge, with farm surpluses on one cliff and under-nourished city folks with outstretched hands on the other. We set out to find…...

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A Good Day for Nebraska Kids

Yesterday, our state legislature overrode a Gubernatorial veto on LB 599, a bill to restore prenatal care for all low-income Nebraska babies.   As many of you know, Voices for Children and others have been fighting to restore this care since it was lost in 2010. Today,  there are many reasons…...

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We did it! Prenatal care restored!

We did it! Yesterday afternoon, the Legislature stood strong and overrode the governor’s veto of prenatal care.   It was a moment 2+ years in the making....

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Why Health Matters to Education

  Earlier this week, Governor Heineman vetoed a bill to provide grants to help with the start-up costs of new school-based health centers.  School-based health centers are just what the name implies: a health center housed within a school. It’s a concept that takes the idea of a school nurse and expands it to…...

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