January 20, 2012 To: Members of the Judiciary Committee From: Sarah Forrest, Policy Coordinator – Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Re: Support for LB 768 – Case File Reading for Adoptive Parents...
Cut Medicaid ~AND~ Taxes?
As you may know from recent news coverage, one of the main proposals included in Governor Heineman’s “State of the State” address last week was a proposal to cut taxes for corporations and individuals. That same day, the Governor also released his budget recommendation for the coming year. Among the…...
LB 820
Quick links: LB 820 on Legislature’s website LB 820 as introduced Voices for Children’s Testimony Summary: Part of LR 37 package of recommendations and introduced by the entire Health and Human Services Committee, LB 820 would require the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to apply for a…...
LB 774
Quick links: LB 774 on Legislature’s website LB 774 as introduced Voices for Children’s written support Summary: LB 774, introduced by Senator Howard, is one of the bills this session based on recommendations of the LR 37 Report released in December. LB 774 requires the Health and Human Services Committee…...
Kids Count in Nebraska 2011 Report
The 19th annual Kids Count in Nebraska Report continues to provide pertinent information on the well-being of all children in areas of health, education, safety and economic stability and features a commentary on the importance of investing in early childhood. Children do not choose the family, the geographic location, or…...