The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, has been targeted with unprecedented cuts in the 2018 federal budget proposed by President Trump. The cuts would shift 25% of SNAP benefit costs to the states, amounting to an estimated $419 million in Nebraska over 10 years. As…...
Pro-Kid Progress in the 105th Nebraska Legislature
Last week, the Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die, four days ahead of schedule. In total, 667 bills were introduced and considered by legislators over the course of the session. Each year, Voices for Children sets legislative priorities that are driven by data and research to move the needle for all…...
New report: Nebraska ranks second-to-last in keeping schools hunger-free
Last week, the Food Research and Action Center released a status update on the adoption of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) across the country. Last year was the third school year that CEP was available to schools and districts with high concentrations of students from low-income families, and the report…...
The Ordinance, or the Little Town that Could
Thanks to all who attended the film screening of “The Ordinance” on Wednesday evening. “The Ordinance” is a documentary about the efforts of faith leaders and service providers in small town Temple, Texas to rein in the worst abuses of payday lending in their community. After the film screening, Traci…...
The Cost of Being Poor
Thanks to all who attended the event on Friday,”The Cost of Being Poor: How Small Debt Lawsuits are Hurting Nebraska Families.” At the event, speaker Paul Kiel from Propublica shared the findings from him research for the article “For Nebraska’s Poor, Get Sick and Get Sued” and local panelists State…...
2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book: Economic Well-being
Last week, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book – an annual ranking of states on 16 key indicators of child well-being in the areas of Economic Well-being, Education, Health, and Family and Community. In this year’s Data Book, Nebraska received an overall ranking of…...
Child poverty: Not just about income
Last month, the Brookings Institution released a two-part report, “Five evils: Multidimensional poverty and race in America,” examining the intersection of race, place, and poverty across the country. Looking beyond household income, the report identifies other measures of poverty—lack of employment, limited education, lack of health insurance, and living in…...
Fewer Nebraska Children Living in Poverty
Children and families being able to meet their basic needs is imperative to the overall well-being and success of our state’s future leaders and workforce. Nebraska families must be able to achieve financial security and our policies should support them in building a strong future for their children. One…...
TANF Participation Declining Despite Rising Poverty Levels
Enacted as part of the 1996 “welfare reform”, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF), is one of various public assistance programs designed to assist low-income families in meeting their basic needs. It is also an important tool for keeping families together and keeping kids out of the…...