Last week, the Food Research and Action Center released a status update on the adoption of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) across the country. Last year was the third school year that CEP was available to schools and districts with high concentrations of students from low-income families, and the report…...
Save school meals for Nebraska kids!
Last month, the Improving Child Nutrition and Education Act of 2016 (H.R. 5003) advanced from the U.S. House education and Workforce Committee with markups that would significantly change national child nutrition programs for the worse. As this year’s child nutrition reauthorization was being considered by the Committee, we proudly joined…...
Legislative Session Wrap-Up: 5 Victories for Kids
Wednesday will mark the final day of this year’s legislative session. Voices for Children will post our full legislative sine die in the next couple weeks, but for now, we’d like to take a moment and highlight five victories for Nebraska’s kids: Schools in high-poverty neighborhoods can take advantage of…...
Legislature to consider making more schools hunger-free
We all want kids to succeed in the classroom. This week, the Legislature has the opportunity to fuel students’ learning by making more Nebraska schools hunger-free zones through LB 1066, which would include provisions of LB 1004 and LB 1065 through a committee amendment. The underlying bill is the annual technical…...
Making Nebraska’s Schools Hunger Free
As Thanksgiving approaches, we look forward to celebrating the holiday with our families, around a table of everyone’s favorite dishes. But what happens for families that struggle to put food on the table during difficult times? As the poverty rate for Nebraska families remains high, so does food insecurity: according…...