As introduced: LB 507 adopts the Step Up to Quality Act, putting in place a quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) with a scale of steps from one to five. The system is available to all child care and early childhood education programs voluntarily, but participation is required for programs…...
LB 359: Change eligibility redeterminations relating to a child care subsidy
As introduced: LB 359 creates a graduated income disregard for the purpose of determining continuing eligibility for the Child Care Subsidy program. In determining ongoing eligibility for this program at redetermination, seven percent of a household’s gross earned income shall be disregarded after twelve months on the program and fifteen…...
Cost of Child Care
Access to quality child care is of paramount importance to the 56% of Nebraska families where all adults in the household are in the labor force (American Community Survey, 2011). LB 507 has taken steps toward ensuring the quality of child care and increasing affordability for the Nebraska families with low…...
The sequester’s impact in Nebraska, Part 5: Child Care
In the fifth post on the federal sequester’s impact on Nebraska’s kids we will investigates cuts to child care. See the first four posts in the sequester series here: Sequester Overview, Head Start, Education, and Public Health. As a result of the sequester, Nebraska will lose $716,623 in funding for the Child…...
A step forward on child care
Kids are especially vulnerable during their first five years of life and this is also a time when research has concluded that significant and important brain development occurs. The caregivers that children have during this time are important for keeping kids safe and the interactions that they have with kids…...
Coming in Last: Nebraska’s Child Care Subsidy Program
Nebraska’s kids need your voice! Today, the state legislature will consider one of the most critical investments we can make in kids this year. Child care is critical to ensuring that kids are safe and parents can work. The child care subsidy program helps working parents access licensed care that…...
Making child care more accessible – Support LB359
Voices for Children in Nebraska fully supports LB 359, introduced by Senator Cook to improve access to child care by establishing an earned income disregard for child care subsidies. Here is our full written testimony: February 13, 2013 To: Health and Human Services Committee From: Aubrey Mancuso, Policy Coordinator…...
LB359: Child Care Subsidy Program
Access to affordable, licensed child care is vital to ensure that families can work and children are safe. Indeed, when families cannot afford licensed care, parents have a more limited ability to work consistently and in some cases, children can be left in an unsafe situation. In 2012, full-time care…...