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child care

Legislative Session Wrap-Up: 5 Victories for Kids

Wednesday will mark the final day of this year’s legislative session. Voices for Children will post our full legislative sine die in the next couple weeks, but for now, we’d like to take a moment and highlight five victories for Nebraska’s kids: Schools in high-poverty neighborhoods can take advantage of…...

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Voices for Children Supports LB 81

Click Here to Read Voices for Children’s Entire LB 81 Testimony This afternoon, Voices for Children Economic Stability and Health Policy Coordinator Aubrey Mancuso testified in support of LB 81, which addresses the cliff effect in child care subsidies. The cliff effect refers to a challenge with the structure of our…...

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Significant Improvements Coming to Child Care Programs

Access to affordable quality child care is essential to both ensuring that children are prepared for school and allowing parents to work.  In Nebraska, the majority of children under the age of 6 have all available parents in the workforce.   This means that the majority of our kids are…...

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Time to Move Forward with Child Care Update

The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) is the most significant source of funding for providing child care assistance to working families to help ensure kids are safe so parents can work. For families with young children, child care has become the largest expense in the family budget and…...

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Policies Need to be Updated to Support Working Families

Today, the majority of children in Nebraska and nationwide live in families where both parents work. Several generations ago, this was not the case.  It used to be that most families had one parent in the workforce while the other stayed home to raise the kids.  Times have changed and…...

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Dads Value Paternity Leave

As Father’s Day approaches, a new report provides some insight into how fathers view paternity leave.   A survey found that a significant majority —  89%  — of fathers believe that it is important for employers to provide paternity leave.  The survey also found that the majority of  fathers —…...

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Federal Child Care Bill Takes an Important Step Forward

Last week, the United States Senate advanced a bill to reauthorize the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the primary source of federal funding for child care assistance. CCDBG funds are important because they help ensure that kids are safe so parents can work.  If the bill is passed…...

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Access to Affordable Child Care

Access to affordable child care helps keep children safe so parents can work.  Voices for Children supports LB 1088 because it is another step toward restoring the cut made in 2002 to the child care subsidy program, which is a critical work support for low-income parents and children. Even though…...

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In Most States, Child Care Still Costs More than College

Last week, Child Care Aware released their annual report on the cost of child care in the United States.  The cost of child care continues to be high with the average annual cost exceeding that of a year in-state college tuition at a public university.  In Nebraska, annual care for…...

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