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Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Justice Reform Signed Into Law!

This week, Governor Ricketts signed into law a package of legislation aimed at improving our statewide system of response to children and youth who commit crimes. LB 894 is a set of positive reforms that will ensure children’s needs are met and rights protected in age-appropriate and evidence-based ways, and…...

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Voices Presents: Prison Kids

The future of our state is strengthened when we treat youth who have encounters with the juvenile justice system fairly and in developmentally appropriate ways, so that they can be prepared for success as adults. Children’s brains are different, in that their brain centers geared toward impulse-control and planning are…...

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The Next Step in Sensible Juvenile Justice Reform

We do well by our society when we do well by our youth, especially those who’ve gotten in trouble. Nebraska is heading down the right path when it comes to juvenile justice. Reforms of recent years are beginning to bear fruit in an increased array of close-to-home alternatives, decreased numbers of…...

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Equality Before the Law: Commentary Series Part 7, Final Index Scores and Recommendations

This year’s Kids Count in Nebraska Report featured a commentary debuting our new Index of Race & Opportunity for Nebraska Children. After spending the last 6 weeks introducing the commentary and detailed our methodology, and diving into the 13 indicators by issue area: health, education, economic stability, child welfare and juvenile justice, we…...

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Juvenile Detention: The Data

  Voices for Children believes that we must assure that all our children can grow into health and productive adults, sometimes this means we must hold youth accountable for their actions. When this is necessary, we need to do so in ways that are appropriate for the child while simultaneously…...

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Legislative Update

Today marks the 9th day of the 2016 Nebraska Legislature, and this year’s short 60-day session promises to be an important session for kids and families in our state. In the coming months, the Unicameral will consider many bills impacting child well-being in the areas of child welfare, economic stability,…...

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