The 2016 Kids Count in Nebraska Report includes an in-depth look at the first steps young people take along their transition away from childhood – emerging adulthood. This is a time of profound growth and development coupled with frequent life changes. The decisions made during these years lead to lifelong…...
2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book: Family and Community
In June, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book – an annual ranking of states on 16 key indicators of child well-being in the areas of Economic Well-being, Education, Health, and Family and Community. In this year’s Data Book, Nebraska received an overall ranking of…...
2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book: Education
Last month, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book – an annual ranking of states on 16 key indicators of child well-being in the areas of Economic Well-being, Education, Health, and Family and Community. In this year’s Data Book, Nebraska received an overall ranking of…...
2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book: Economic Well-being
Last week, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book – an annual ranking of states on 16 key indicators of child well-being in the areas of Economic Well-being, Education, Health, and Family and Community. In this year’s Data Book, Nebraska received an overall ranking of…...
Fewer Nebraska Children Living in Poverty
Children and families being able to meet their basic needs is imperative to the overall well-being and success of our state’s future leaders and workforce. Nebraska families must be able to achieve financial security and our policies should support them in building a strong future for their children. One…...
Equality Before the Law: Commentary Series Part 7, Final Index Scores and Recommendations
This year’s Kids Count in Nebraska Report featured a commentary debuting our new Index of Race & Opportunity for Nebraska Children. After spending the last 6 weeks introducing the commentary and detailed our methodology, and diving into the 13 indicators by issue area: health, education, economic stability, child welfare and juvenile justice, we…...