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Economic Stability

Even in NE, kids are hungry tonight

  Many of us this afternoon are thinking about what’s for dinner tonight. The menu might be long: burger, pizza, sushi, or casserole. But there’s another dilemma for 1 out of 7 Nebraska households. That challenge is how to cobble together enough food for the folks around the table. “Food…...

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It’s 5/29. Have you saved for college today?

  It’s May 29th, or 5/29 and in honor of the date we’re blogging about Nebraska’s educational savings plan, known as a “529 plan.”  The name comes from the section of federal tax code that allows states to establish these plans. 529 plans are a savings account that typically list a…...

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LB 1041: Streamline Public Benefit Programs

As introduced:  This bill attempts to simplify and streamline public benefit requirements by: requiring alignment of verification procedures across various public benefit programs; maintaining legislative oversight over public benefit administration by requiring the collection and reporting of data relating to access to public benefit programs and case closures; coordinating renewals…...

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LB 1098: Restore Sales Tax Revenue to General Fund

As introduced:  This bill would repeal changes enacted in 2011 and set to go into effect in 2013 that allocates a quarter of a cent on every dollar of sales tax revenue for roads projects. Introducing Senator(s): Council Committee: Revenue Committee...

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LB 883: Direct Deposit of Tax Refunds to Educational Savings

As introduced: The bill would allow state income taxpayers receiving a refund to deposit a portion of the refund directly into an educational savings account. Introducing Senator(s): Cook Committee: Revenue Committee...

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LB 1090: Summer Food Program Expansion

As introduced:  This bill would award one- time grants to fund the start-up costs associated with summer food programs. As amended: The bill prioritizes grants going to high poverty areas. Introducing Senator(s): Wallman (priority)...

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LB 970: Tax Cuts

As introduced:  The individual state income tax would be reduced by lowering current tax rates and expanding current income brackets. The bill would also reduce the current top corporate income tax rate from 7.81% to 6.70% which would match the top individual income tax rate under the proposal. Finally, the…...

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LB 842: Extend Vocational Training in ADC Program

As introduced: The bill extends the option of having vocational training count as a work activity for participants in the Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) Program through December 2016. As amended:  The bill extends vocational training options in ADC and also requires and annual report from the Department of Health…...

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LB 825: Access Nebraska In-Person Services

As introduced: The bill would have required in-person workers in 25 existing state office buildings for a minimum of 40 hours/week to assist with public benefits applications.  The bill would also have required dedicated caseworkers for certain complex cases. As amended: The bill requires that in-person services be available but…...

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LB 507: Allow Young ADC Recipients to Pursue a High School Diploma or GED

This bill would allow young adults receiving ADC benefits to count the pursuit of a GED or High School Diploma as a work activity in the ADC program up to the age of 24.  This option would only be permissible as long as the state was otherwise able to maintain…...

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