Voices for Children in Nebraska Job Description Title: Finance Manager...
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, which presents an opportunity to consider child welfare issues from a wider context before allegations of maltreatment come about. In 2013, 3,993 Nebraska children were victims of maltreatment (at a rate of about 8.6 per 1,000 children), marking a slight increase from the…...
Ask Your Senator to Support LB 243
All children deserve loving and permanent relationships with adults that they can trust and learn from, especially as they transition into adulthood. This is particularly important for children and youth in the child welfare system. In addition to the trauma that led to their initial placement, children in care often…...
It’s Time to Close the Opportunity Gap
The opportunity gap, also known as the education achievement gap is the disparity in academic success between groups of students – groups by race, student ability, family income, etc. A report published by the Center for American Progress – “The Economic Benefits of Closing the Educational Achievement Gaps” aims to…...
Reauthorizing CHIP is Vitally Important for Children’s Futures
Since its inception in 1997 and reform in 2009, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has made monumental gains in reaching children living in poverty across the nation and ensuring that they grow up to be healthy and successful adults. According to our Family Bottom Line Report, eligibility levels…...
The Big Picture: 2015 Juvenile Justice Reform
This week, the legislature will consider a package of bills related to juvenile justice, including: LB 265, LB 347, LB 482, and LB 500. Here’s how they would all work together, in conjunction with current law and some other 2015 bills, to further improve Nebraska’s system for handling troubled youth....