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LB 952: Restoration of Proposed Medicaid Cuts

As introduced: Every year on December 1st, the Director of the Nebraska Medicaid Program submits a letter to the Legislature detailing intended cuts to Medicaid services.  This bill would have restored the proposed cuts. Introducing Senator(s): Nordquist, Avery, Bloomfield, Campbell, Conrad, Cook, Council, Dubas, Gloor, Howard, Krist, McGill, Mello...

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LB 837: Create a task force to review certain drugs for state wards

As introduced: This bill would create a task force to review and provide recommendations on the use of psychotropic drugs by state wards and the administration of these drugs. As amended: none Introducing Senator(s): Howard...

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LB 826: Legislative Approval of Medicaid Cuts

As introduced: The bill would require legislative approval of all significant policy changes to the Medicaid program including cutting or eliminating services or increasing co-pays. Introducing Senator(s): Dubas, Bloomfield, Campbell, Cook, Krist, Lathrop, McGill, Mello, Nordquist Committee: Health and Human Services Committee...

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LB 1038: Blood Lead Poisoning Prevention

As introduced:  The bill would require blood-lead testing prior to school enrollment and refer parents whose children have high blood-lead levels to special education resources. As amended: The bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services to develop a prevention and outreach plan to prevent and treat elevated blood…...

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LB 599: Allow All Low-Income Mothers to Receive Prenatal Care Coverage under Medicaid

This bill would direct the Department of Health and Human Services to apply for a state plan amendment or waiver to provide prenatal services under the targeted low-income child health option of the CHIP. Program services would be prenatal care and pregnancy-related services connected to the health of the unborn…...

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LB 768: Ensure Case File Access to Adoptive Parents

As Introduced: The bill clarifies the intent of the Legislature to allow all adoptive parents access to case files, even after the adoption has been finalized. This bill builds on LB 94 which was introduced in 2011. Introducing Senator: Howard Committee: Judiciary Committee Hearing Date: January 20, 2012...

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LB 820: Require a Title IV-E Waiver Application, Bonus Payments for Foster Parents, Restrict Child-Specific Placements

As Introduced: The bill required the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to apply for a Title IV- E Waiver by January 1, 2013. DHHS would also have reported on the progress of its application to the Legislature by September 15, 2012. As Amended: The bill does four things:...

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LB 821: Create the Nebraska Children’s Commission and Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare

As Introduced: The bill created the Nebraska Children’s Commission with voting membership from all three branches of government and a variety of stakeholders. It also required DHHS and the Children’s Commission to prepare legislation that would create a Department of Children’s Services by January 1, 2013. In addition, LB 821…...

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LB 949: Fiscal Transparency for Child and Family Programs

As Introduced: The bill requires quarterly reporting to the Legislature on the expenditures of the Division of Children and Family Services (CFS), with any movement of $250,000 or more between programs identified. LB 949 additionally requires CFS to submit a strategic plan with clear performance measures and a report on…...

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LB 961: Create a Privatization Pilot Project and Establish Caseload Standards

As Introduced: LB961 required all case management responsibilities to return to DHHS employees by September 1, 2012 including all court-involved and voluntary cases. The bill also required a ten percent reduction in caseloads of employees each year until Nebraska would be compliant with national CWLA standards. The bill also realigns…...

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