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Adverse Childhood Experiences in Nebraska

Ensuring that all children in Nebraska grow up to be happy and healthy adults requires a framework that extends beyond the traditional. When thinking about the course of a child’s life, it is important to consider the long-term impacts of different experiences on outcomes in adulthood. New data released last…...

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What Paul Ryan Got Wrong — and Right — on Poverty

Last week, U.S. Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin revealed a new plan to address the growing numbers of Americans living in poverty.  In 2012, 15 percent of Americans, or about 46.5 million people, were living poverty and the percentage of children was even higher at about 20 percent.  In Nebraska, there are…...

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Checking in on the American Dream

As we approach the long holiday weekend to celebrate the 4th of July, we thought it might be a good time to reflect on  what is often called the “American Dream.”  There are different definitions for the American Dream, but a key component of any definition has to do with…...

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Raising Future Generations and the Minimum Wage

In two weeks, the Better Wages Nebraska campaign will reach the signature deadline to put a minimum wage increase on the ballot in November, so that voters can have a voice in ensuring that all working families have a chance at the “good life.” The issue has been widely debated…...

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The high school dropout epidemic: Inequities in Nebraska

A new report released this week found that the nationwide high school graduation rate was at an all-time high in 2012, where 81% of students who entered high school for the first time graduated within 3 or 4 years. The report notes that significant progress has been made in recent…...

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New Poll Shows Majority of Nebraskans Support Minimum Wage Increase

Voices for Children released a new poll today showing that 55% of Nebraskans support increasing the minimum wage with only 33% in opposition and the remaining undecided.  The poll surveyed a weighted sample of 600 Nebraskans from across the state late last month.  The poll found particularly strong support for increasing…...

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Child poverty down, but racial disparities persist

Last week data-nerds all over the country (including those here at Voices for Children), had a field day as the U.S. Census Bureau released their 2012 (1-year) estimates of poverty from the American Community Survey (ACS). Overall, the child poverty rate in Nebraska decreased slightly — from 18.1% in 2011 down…...

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New poverty data shows child poverty down slightly in Nebraska

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau released new statistics from the American Community Survey that provide state and local data on Poverty and Health Insurance.  Earlier this week, the Census Bureau released national data showing that the poverty rate nationally remained essentially unchanged while there was a decline in the number…...

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Why economic stability matters in child welfare

After a crazy couple of weeks of work on child welfare bills, this week is the first since legislative hearings started where I won’t be making the trip to the state capitol in Lincoln to testify. While I’ll get some extra hours in the office to work on some ongoing…...

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More children uninsured, high poverty rate hangs on

  The U.S. Census Bureau released new state data today on the number of Nebraska children living in poverty and the number of children who lack health insurance. The data show both good news and bad news for Nebraska kids. Most concerning is new data indicating the number of children…...

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