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LB 933: Change Provisions Related to Reporting of Absences and Truancy

As Introduced: The bill requires the school district review cases of 20 or more absences with the county attorney and a determination if any additional action is necessary. The bill would also remove the county attorneys’ responsibility to file a motion in court for these absences, instead replacing it with a preliminary meeting if additional action is determined to be necessary. Instead the school would set a location for a meeting with the child, their parents, school officials, and county attorneys.

As Amended: The bill no longer requires that schools report students with 20 absences to county attorneys if they are excused or due to documented illness. If the 20 absences are unexcused, the school attendance officer must report them to the county attorney and either request more time to work with the student or ask for county attorney intervention because all school resources have been used. If the county attorney has been asked to intervene the initial meeting will still be at a location determined by the school.

Introducing Senator: Ashford, Langemeier Priority Bill

Committee: Judiciary

Committee Hearing Date: February 13, 2012

Final Status: Signed by the Governor, April 6, 2012

Estimated Fiscal Impact: The bill has no estimated fiscal impact.

Voices for Children’s Position: Support (see our testimony here).

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