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LB 1150: Extend Optional Foster Care Services to 21

As Introduced: The bill would have extended eligibility for foster care services to age 21 in accordance with the Federal Fostering Connections Act of 2008, with the purpose of helping youth successfully transition to adulthood and achieve permanency. Any youth engaged in completing secondary education or an equivalency, postsecondary or vocational education, or a jobs training program, working at least 80 hours a month, or incapable of participating in any of these activities due to disabilities, is eligible to receive foster care services (including Medicaid coverage) on a voluntary basis. If a youth opts out of these services at any time, they are free to re-enroll until the age of 21. Services should be provided on a youth-driven basis.

Introducing Senator: McGill

Committee: Health and Human Services

Committee Hearing Date: February 2, 2012

Final Status: Indefinitely Postponed

Estimated Fiscal Impact: The total cost in FY ’12 was expected to be $6,116,369 with a combination of General and Federal Funds. In FY’13 the total cost was estimated to be $10,357,839.

Voices for Children’s Position: Support (see our testimony here).

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