As introduced: The bill would provide grant funding for the start-up costs of new school-based health centers with a preference for health shortage and high poverty areas.
Introducing Senator(s): Nordquist, Ashford, Campbell, Council, Howard, Mello
Committee: Education Committee
Committee Hearing Date: January 31, 2012
Current Status: Motion to override gubernatorial veto failed on April 18, 2012.
Estimated Fiscal Impact: Grants are to be funded each fiscal year with a transfer of $100,000 from the Education Innovation Fund (lottery proceeds) to a newly created Nebraska Coordinated School Health Fund and an additional $100,000 general fund appropriation.
Voices for Children Position: Support
Voices for Children supported this bill due the importance of health to success in education. Existing school-based health centers in Nebraska and elsewhere have proved to be an innovative model for improving children’s health as well as their success in school.