As a nation, we spend significantly more on retirees than we spend on children. In 2011, spending on children accounted for only 10% of our federal budget while 41% was spent on retirees. Don’t get us wrong — we want Grandma to have access to health care through Medicare —…...
Supreme Court Ruling a Victory for Kids!
Every Nebraskan should have access to the health care services they need when they need them. Healthy children learn better, healthy adults are more productive workers, and healthy people make for stronger and more vibrant communities. We need a health care system that works for everyone. The Patient Protection and…...
Update on SNAP and the Farm Bill
The Senate is currently debating the 2012 Farm Bill, which reauthorizes agriculture, conservation and nutrition assistance programs for another five years. This is important because it could impact the future of the SNAP program, which helps to feed over 80,000 Nebraskan children. Yesterday, the Senate voted on four nutrition amendments—Senator…...
Is Charity the Answer to Poverty?
As the national debate on how to address the budget deficit continues, a recent report from the Salvation Army looked at the perceptions that Americans have about poverty in the United States. One of the more hopeful findings of the report is that a significant number of Americans, 88 percent, believe that…...
Medicaid: An essential safety net
Medicaid provides an essential safety net for low-income children, the elderly and disabled. The program is funded jointly by both federal and state government and covers over 200,000 Nebraskans. Many people walk a tight rope between health and illness. Medicaid is an important safety net set to catch the…...