Child welfare agencies across the country are responsible for the well-being of more than half a million children. Unfortunately, children and youth in foster care are the most educationally at-risk of all student populations. Due placement interruptions and the school transfers that tend to follow, only about 54% of foster…...
The sequester’s impact in Nebraska, Part 7: What’s next
In this seventh and final post on the federal sequester’s impact on Nebraska’s kids we will take a look at what we can expect to happen next with the federal sequester. See the first six posts in the sequester series here: Sequester Overview, Head Start, Education, Public Health, Child Care, and Economic Stability. The…...
The sequester’s impact in Nebraska, Part 6: Economic Stability
In the sixth post on the federal sequester’s impact on Nebraska’s kids we will investigates cuts to programs that assist low-income families on their path to economic self-sufficiency. See the first five posts in the sequester series here: Sequester Overview, Head Start, Education, Public Health, and Child Care. We want all families to…...
The sequester’s impact in Nebraska, Part 5: Child Care
In the fifth post on the federal sequester’s impact on Nebraska’s kids we will investigates cuts to child care. See the first four posts in the sequester series here: Sequester Overview, Head Start, Education, and Public Health. As a result of the sequester, Nebraska will lose $716,623 in funding for the Child…...
The sequester’s impact in Nebraska, Part 4: Public Health
This is the fourth post in the federal sequester’s impact on Nebraska’s kids. See the first three posts here: Sequester Overview, Head Start, and Education. In addition to cuts to children’s education, sequestration will impact Nebraska’s children in many other ways, one of which is public health. The White House estimates Nebraska…...
“More Kids in Health Coverage Sounds Nice, May Be Too Taxing”
Today’s title comes courtesy of a 1997 Omaha World-Herald Editorial, when Nebraska was considering expanding Medicaid program through what’s known as CHIP, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, to cover more low-income children. The federal government had recently passed legislation to give states the option of covering more kids through…...