In honor of Halloween, we are counting down a few of the scariest facts we could think of related to Nebraska’s kids and families. 5) 69% of children in Nebraska who are uninsured are low-income and should qualify for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, but are not enrolled. 4) 1 year…...
New Report Shows Progress and Needs on Child Care
Child care assistance helps ensure that kids are safe so parents can work. Ideally, our child care systems and programs should also help ensure that children are being prepared for K-12 education. Last week, the National Women’s Law Center released a new report looking at state level policies for child…...
Putting Families First: How Paid Leave Helps Families Succeed
With the changing nature of the workforce, it’s getting more and more challenging to balance the demands of the jobs we need and the families we love. States around the country are starting to take the lead on establishing policies that promote more family-friendly workplaces and both businesses and families…...
Time to Move Forward with Child Care Update
The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) is the most significant source of funding for providing child care assistance to working families to help ensure kids are safe so parents can work. For families with young children, child care has become the largest expense in the family budget and…...
2014 National Kids Count Series: Family and Community
Last month the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2014 KIDS COUNT Data Book highlighting state trends in child well-being and celebrating their 25th edition of the book by going back to 1990 and looking at changes in America’s children since then. Voices for Children in Nebraska is featuring a series on the data book…...
Adverse Childhood Experiences in Nebraska
Ensuring that all children in Nebraska grow up to be happy and healthy adults requires a framework that extends beyond the traditional. When thinking about the course of a child’s life, it is important to consider the long-term impacts of different experiences on outcomes in adulthood. New data released last…...
What Paul Ryan Got Wrong — and Right — on Poverty
Last week, U.S. Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin revealed a new plan to address the growing numbers of Americans living in poverty. In 2012, 15 percent of Americans, or about 46.5 million people, were living poverty and the percentage of children was even higher at about 20 percent. In Nebraska, there are…...
2014 National Kids Count Series: Economic Well-Being
Last week the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2014 Kids Count Data Book highlighting state trends in child well-being and celebrating their 25th edition of the book by going back to 1990 and looking at changes in America’s children since then. Typically, Nebraska fares quite well in the report with…...