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LB 613: Create the Tax Modernization Commission

As introduced: LB 613 establishes the Tax Modernization Commission, the purpose of which is to continually review and recommend updates to Nebraska’s tax code in response to changing economies. The commission would be comprised of the Speaker of the Legislature and several legislative committee chair and vice chairs. Ex-officio members…...

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LB 405: Eliminate certain sales tax exemptions, corporate and individual income taxes, and the franchise tax and change other tax provisions

As introduced: LB 405 eliminates the income tax on individuals, estates, trusts, and corporations; eliminates the financial institutions franchise tax and select sales tax exemptions; changes reporting requirements for the Nebraska Tax Expenditure Report; and changes certain benefits under various tax incentive programs. LB 405 eliminates the income tax on…...

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LB 406: Change tax provisions

As introduced: LB 406 eliminates certain sales and use tax exemptions; eliminates the income tax on corporations; eliminates the financial institutions franchise tax; exempts certain retirement income from the Nebraska income tax; eliminates the earned income tax credit; changes benefits and requirements regarding certain tax incentive programs; makes adjustments to…...

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LB 220: Change children’s eligibility to the Medical Assistance Act

As introduced: LB 220 seeks to simply and streamline the administration of the children’s medical assistance program by requiring the Department of Health and Human Services to apply for and utilize options allowed under Title XIX (Medicaid) and Title XXI (State Children’s Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP) to simplify enrollment…...

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LB 270: Provide community-based services for children and youth with serious emotional disturbance

As introduced: LB 270 requires that no later than September 1, 2013, the Department of Health and Human Services submit a state plan amendment or waiver under the federal Social Security Act to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The amendment or waiver is to provide coverage under…...

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LB 275: Adopt the Nebraska Coordinated School Health Act

As introduced: LB 275, the Nebraska Coordinated School Health Act, creates a grant program, to be administered by the Nebraska Department of Education, that will provide 50% matching funds to assist with capital construction and startup costs for the establishment of a school-based health center. The grant program ends on…...

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LB 439: Change cigarette and tobacco tax provisions

As introduced: LB 439 would increase the cigarette tax from 64 cents per pack to $1.36 and increase the tax on other tobacco products, other than snuff, from 20% to 31% of the wholesale price. The 72 cent increase in cigarette tax revenue would be distributed as follows: Ten cents…...

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LB 505: Provide requirements for insurance coverage of Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

As introduced: LB 505 requires insurance plans in this State (except disease-specific and self-funded employee plans) to provide coverage of behavioral health treatment administered by a board certified behavior analyst or licensed psychologist for the purpose screening for, diagnosing and treating autism. Required coverage amounts are as follows: • A…...

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LB 577: Change provisions relating to the medical assistance program (Medicaid Expansion)

As introduced: The intent of LB 577 is to require Nebraska Medicaid to add the newly eligible adult population under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to the Nebraska Medicaid state plan amendment; and outlines the health coverage provided under the program. The bill provides for expanded eligibility to…...

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LB 630: Revise Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act to include daycare settings

As introduced: LB 630 requires home daycares and their vehicles to be smoke free during and after hours of business in accordance with the standards for commercial daycare centers. Introducing Senator(s): Kolowski Committee:  Health and Human Services Committee Hearing Date: March 7, 2013...

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