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New Policy Research Associate Joins Voices for Children

My name is Jenna Sutton, and I just became the new Policy and Research Associate at Voices for Children in Nebraska through Lutheran Volunteer Corps. This past May, I graduated from a liberal arts college in Michigan called Hope College with a Bachelor’s degree in both Psychology and Chemistry. I…...

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2014 National Kids Count Series: Family and Community

Last month the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2014 KIDS COUNT Data Book highlighting state trends in child well-being and celebrating their 25th edition of the book by going back to 1990 and looking at changes in America’s children since then. Voices for Children in Nebraska is featuring a series on the data book…...

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Voices for Children in Nebraska has launched a new interactive website to help citizens become engaged in children’s issues, find out what’s important to state candidates and learn how to get registered to vote. Check out VoteKidsNebraska.com today and be a voice for children at the ballot box!    ...

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Events in Ferguson Raise Debate on Justice System

For nearly two weeks, the country has had their eyes fixed on Ferguson, Missouri. The tragic killing of teen-aged Michael Brown by police and the protests that have followed have rightly raised debate about the state of our system of justice in the United States. The hardest thing to swallow…...

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2014 National Kids Count Series: Health

Last month the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2014 KIDS COUNT Data Book highlighting state trends in child well-being and celebrating their 25th edition of the book by going back to 1990 and looking at changes in America’s children since then. Voices for Children in Nebraska is featuring a series on the data book…...

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2014 Spotlight Gala Awards – Lifetime Achievement

  Some people are just born with an advocate’s spirit. Such is the case with Dr. Donna Polk, the recipient of the 2014 Spotlight Gala Award for Lifetime Achievement. When she was bullied as a kindergartner, Donna remembers wailing a stick in self-defense  and then becoming friends with the girl…...

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Adverse Childhood Experiences in Nebraska

Ensuring that all children in Nebraska grow up to be happy and healthy adults requires a framework that extends beyond the traditional. When thinking about the course of a child’s life, it is important to consider the long-term impacts of different experiences on outcomes in adulthood. New data released last…...

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2014 Spotlight Gala – Honorary Family

For the past 9 years, Voices for Children in Nebraska has been fortunate to connect with amazing families serving in the role of  Spotlight Gala – Honorary Family. We choose these families based on their dedication to improving the lives of children and their commitment to the power of community…...

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2014 National Kids Count Series: Education

Last month the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2014 KIDS COUNT Data Book highlighting state trends in child well-being and celebrating their 25th edition of the book by going back to 1990 and looking at changes in America’s children since then.  Voices for Children in Nebraska is featuring a series…...

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Ending Nebraska’s School to Prison Pipeline

Most of us agree that access to quality education is one of the most important things we can do to ensure the well-being of Nebraska’s children and our state as a whole. Opportunities to learn and build skills are an essential part of preparing youth for healthy, productive adulthoods. Too…...

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