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Child Welfare in 2015

With just a few days left for bill introductions to be made at the Unicameral, the Voices staff has been busy at work tracking legislation that will impact children and families in Nebraska. All children deserve an equal opportunity to succeed in life, and we are committed to a variety of issue…...

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Health Care in 2015

Good health and access to quality affordable health care is important for everyone, but it’s even more important for kids.  This is because our health during critical developmental years can have consequences that last into adulthood.  When health or developmental issues aren’t identified early, they can become more challenging and…...

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Who are the kids in juvenile court?

Imagine a juvenile courtroom.  The goal is rehabilitation, the mission of the parties and judge to guard the best interests of the juvenile and ensure that he is set on a path to success in life.  Now imagine that youth walking into the courtroom toward you.  He is wearing a…...

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Economic Stability in 2015

We want Nebraska to be a place where all kids have the best possible opportunity to succeed.  With the growing number of kids living in poverty and ongoing disparities in poverty rates for children of color, it is clear that we still have work to do in meeting this goal.…...

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A New Legislative Session

At the start of Nebraska’s 104th Legislature, new senators will be sworn in, committee chairs will be elected, and the legislative process will begin.  We will be tracking introduced bills containing issues important to children and families. To find out who your Senator is or track the progress of particular…...

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Voices for Children Prepares for Kids Count Release

The new year is getting off to a fast start here at Voices for Children, as we prepare for the release of the 2014 Kids Count in Nebraska Report. This report will provide all the things you have come to expect – and more! We will once again provide a…...

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Race Matters in Children’s Health

  Troubling disparities for children of color’s health begin even before they are born and continue throughout the life cycle. This is a fact that was always in mind during the Race Matters conference held two weeks ago. Starting from before birth and during the first year, the data tells us that…...

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Race Matters in Juvenile Justice

In the wake of a violent fall, with the highly publicized deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice, among others, disproportionate minority contact with the law has become a front page issue.  Though we are grateful that Nebraska has not suffered through a tragedy of this nature, information…...

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Race Matters in Educational Opportunity

The “Opportunity Gap” in education continues to be pervasive and difficult to address in Nebraska. As shown in our 2013 Kids Count, Black and Hispanic children have lower levels of proficiency in both Math and Reading compared to their White counterparts.  Although most of us are aware of these discrepancies,…...

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Race Matters in Economic Opportunity

In order for our state to have a strong economic future, we need to ensure that all our children grow up with the resources and skills they need to become productive working adults.  Unfortunately for some kids, their future prosperity is challenged by the financial circumstances of their parents and…...

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