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Race Matters in Nebraska

Nebraska’s future depends on the success of the coming generations in all communities. And it depends on a state where your location doesn’t limit your potential.  Without strong institutions and strong communities, Nebraska will not be the state we all want and need it to be. We have not sufficiently…...

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Treating kids like kids

Last week, the first bill dealing with the reform of our juvenile justice system crossed the Legislative finish line with a vote of 38-1. LB 44, which repeals mandatory life without parole for children and youth, now only awaits the Governor’s signature before it becomes law. So what does this…...

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Annual Report 2012

Our 2012 Year-in-Review is now online. Read it below or download the PDF. Download: Annual Report 2012 with donor list...

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Shout Out

At Voices for Children, we are passionate about fairness for all Nebraska kids.  We have been and always will be the outspoken, independent voices for children and are committed to “telling the whole story” of Nebraska’s kids. Our work doesn’t happen one child at a time, but rather through policy…...

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The sequester’s impact in Nebraska, Part 4: Public Health

This is the fourth post in the federal sequester’s impact on Nebraska’s kids.  See the first three posts here: Sequester Overview, Head Start, and Education.  In addition to cuts to children’s education, sequestration will impact Nebraska’s children in many other ways, one of which is public health. The White House estimates Nebraska…...

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National Foster Care Month an opportunity for real change for Nebraska’s kids

Today, President Barack Obama signed a proclamation making May National Foster Care Month.  Since 1988, May has been designated as the month to recognize the contributions of foster parents and call attention to the needs of children in our nation’s foster care systems. Nationally, 382,400 children under 18 currently are in…...

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Coming in Last: Nebraska’s Child Care Subsidy Program

Nebraska’s kids need your voice!  Today, the state legislature will consider one of the most critical investments we can make in kids this year.  Child care is critical to ensuring that kids are safe and parents can work.  The child care subsidy program helps working parents access licensed care that…...

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The sequester’s impact in Nebraska, Part 3: Education

This is the third post in the federal sequester’s impact on Nebraska’s kids.  See the first two post here: Sequester Overview and Head Start.  Today we will delve into the anticipated impacts of the sequester on teachers, schools, and education for children with disabilities....

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Making sure youth get the right services, close to home – LB 561

Children need our care and protection to grow, thrive, and become productive members of our society. When a young person breaks the law, we must respond in a thoughtful way that gives children their best possible chance at success, while still ensuring the safety of our communities. Unfortunately, Nebraska’s juvenile…...

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“More Kids in Health Coverage Sounds Nice, May Be Too Taxing”

Today’s title comes courtesy of a 1997 Omaha World-Herald Editorial, when Nebraska was considering expanding Medicaid program through what’s known as CHIP, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, to cover more low-income children.  The federal government had recently passed legislation to give states the option of covering more kids through…...

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