Children thrive in a stable and loving home with a family that offers support in a safe environment. Research tells us that the relationships that children have with the adults in their lives are an extremely important component of successful development. Without these relationships, children have an increased risk of lasting health, behavioral, and…...
Race Matters in Nebraska’s Child Welfare System
It is an all-too-common fact that children of color are overrepresented when looking at child welfare data, particularly in measures that we know to be extremely traumatic for children. We kept this in mind as we convened at the Race Matters conference last week. A quick look at the child welfare…...
Race Matters Conference: A Starting Point for Action on Racial Equity
Last week, Voices for Children in Nebraska convened more than 275 people to tackle race equity issues in our state. The Race Matters conference was a tremendous success, with amazing keynote speakers and a strong array of breakout sessions designed to inform, educate and motivate participants to action. We decided…...
Impact of State Tax Changes on Children and Families
Collective investments in things like roads, schools, and parks are critical components of a thriving community. These things wouldn’t be possible without revenue to make these investments and that revenue comes from taxes. Many have seen or heard about the recent income tax cuts that Kansas has made, resulting…...
Ferguson on our Minds
The decision of the grand jury in Ferguson and the resulting state of unrest throughout surrounding communities are much on our minds today at Voices for Children. As concerned citizens, we hope and strive toward a society in which the rule of law protects the innocent, holds the guilty accountable,…...
Voices for Children Releases Pro-Kid Policy Plan for Nebraska
As the independent voice for kids, Voices for Children in Nebraska is committed to building pathways to opportunity for all children and families through research, policy and community engagement. As part of this commitment, we are releasing the first of its kind “Pro-Kid Policy Plan for Nebraska.” Guided by research, …...
Creating Opportunities for Families: A Two-Generation Approach
Last week, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released a policy report investigating ways to create opportunities for families – especially for those who are low-income. The report examines how low-income families with young children face extra barriers, like single parenting, difficulty speaking English, low education levels, lack of full-time employment,…...
New Policy Coordinator for Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice
As Executive Director of Voices for Children in Nebraska, I would like to extend my formal welcome to Juliet Summers, our new Policy Coordinator for Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice. Juliet will be responsible for overseeing our policy research, analysis, and advocacy efforts on behalf of children involved in…...