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Virtual Candidate Forum

In an effort to educate and motivate Nebraskans for the upcoming Unicameral election Voices for Children has put together a candidate forum so that the people of Nebraska can better know their candidates and where they stand on children’s issues in this state.

In past years we have arranged an in-person candidate forum so that the people of Nebraska could come out and hear in person where their Senators and their opponents stand on these important issues. However, this year,  knowing that not everyone can take time out of their day to come to an in-person forum, we have recorded videos for our Vote Kids Nebraska website, www.votekidsnebraska.com. This way more voters can see, hear and share where candidates stand on important children’s issues from the comfort of their own home.

The candidates in the Lincoln and Omaha areas were contacted and interviews arranged with one particular question in mind: if elected (or reelected) to the Unicameral, what is the most important issue facing our Nebraska children that you would want to address during your time in office?

Each candidate was asked to give a short two minute response to this question with the knowledge that the video would be placed on our website so that the people of Nebraska could be better informed on the issues our candidates plan on addressing in the upcoming year.

With our virtual candidate forum, being well informed is less of an obstacle when deciding who to vote for in our upcoming Legislative election.  Now it’s up to the people of Nebraska to get out to the polls and remember to vote for kids!

Thank you to taking the time to share!

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