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The National KIDS COUNT Data Book release is right around the corner!

If you follow Voices for Children in Nebraska, you undoubtedly hear a lot about the Kids Count in Nebraska Report. However, you may not know much about its national counterpart, published by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.  Next week will mark the release of the 27th edition of the National KIDS COUNT Data Book. The National Data Book takes data from all 50 states, compares states on their progress by issue area, and provides a ranking. This report can easily tell us how Nebraska is doing when compared to other states in the same year, or similarly to Kids Count in Nebraska, tells us how we have improved or worsened in several different areas.

The 2016 National KIDS COUNT Data Book will be released Tuesday, June 21st, and until then we cannot tell you how Nebraska did this year.  We can however, review how we did last year and talk about what is included in the report. The KIDS COUNT Data Book presents the latest data and provides a comparison for the same data from 2008/09 by which we can measure progress. The 16 indicators fall in to four categories:

  1. Economic Well-Being
  2. Education
  3. Health
  4. Family and Community

Each of these categories includes 4 indicators, capture the latest trends in child well-being and provide a state ranking on child well-being in each category.

Last year, Nebraska did quite well, as seen in the image below. We can’t wait to dive in to this year’s rankings and data and see how we did for our kids. Follow us beginning Tuesday, June 21st for our overall ranking and in the following weeks as we go through this year’s National KIDS COUNT Data Book series, right here on the blog.


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