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Take Your Place in the Fight Against Hunger

September has been designated “Hunger Action Month,” a time to raise awareness about hunger in America and what we can do about it. You may have noticed commercials and other efforts this past weekend urging groups to “go orange” to help raise awareness about hunger issues here in the United States.

The USDA recently released a new report that looks at the scope of the problem in the U.S.  It found that 14.5 percent of American households were “food insecure” at some time in 2012, meaning that they lacked a enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. Nebraska’s number is close to the national average, with 13.3% of households reporting food insecurity in 2012.

Hunger is especially damaging for children and can impact overall health and academic achievement during critical developmental years. But, what can we do about it?

On September 19th, Voices for Children will join with Hunger Free Heartland and Active Voice for a local screening of the film “A Place at the Table.” The film tells some of the real stories about hunger in America and presents some possible solutions.  The film will be followed by a panel discussion featuring local experts to talk about hunger in Nebraska and what we as a community can do to address it. Panel Members include: Jon Bailey from the Center for Rural Affairs, State Senator Sara Howard from Omaha’s District 9, and Craig Howell from the United Methodist Ministries Board.  You’ll also have the opportunity to hear from a local resident who has faced hunger issues.  Several local organizations working to address hunger will be on hand with more information on how you can become involved in the fight against hunger.

Register for this FREE event and join us on September 19th and learn how to take your place in the fight against hunger!


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