For over two years Nebraska’s vulnerable children and families, social workers, service providers, and court stakeholders have been stuck. They’ve been stuck in a constantly changing system, enduring sudden transition after sudden transition, newspaper story after newspaper story, contract amendment after contract amendment. Nebraska’s child welfare system was struggling long…...
Child welfare bills advance
For years, Nebraska’s child welfare system has been broken and underfunded. Children and families have been repeatedly let down, and over the past few years of privatization have faced increased instability and turmoil in their already uncertain lives. Yesterday, Nebraska’s Legislature took leadership and advanced a number of bills aimed at…...
Neutral Testimony on LB 961
Voices for Children is neutral on the proposal to return child welfare case management to the state. It doesn’t matter to a child who their caseworker works for and a change back would be yet another transfer their already unstable lives. January 26, 2012 From: Carolyn D. Rooker, Executive DirectorTo:…...
LB 961
LB 961 contains some of the major recommendations of the LR 37 report. Specifically LB 961 would: Return case management to the Department of Health Human Services by September 1, 2012; Require caseloads of case managers will be reduced by at least 10% each year until they meet national standards…...