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Juvenile Justice

A closer look at chronic absenteeism and truancy

We all want children to have access to opportunities to succeed through a quality education. Let’s be honest – an important component of a student’s ability to succeed in school is their attendance. In recent years, Nebraska legislators have enacted a number of bills aimed at increasing school attendance, reducing the number…...

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Kids for Cash has lessons for Nebraska

It’s not every day that the juvenile justice system makes national news. But just a few years ago, a scandal rocked Luzerne County Pennsylvania: judges had accepted nearly $2.6 million from private, for-profit juvenile facilities. Now known as the “Kids for Cash” scandal, this incident created shockwaves across the entire…...

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The consequences aren’t minor

  This month we’re taking a look at a strange phenomenon: Nebraska kids that our state treats exactly like adults. We’ve already taken a look at who these youth are and how they come to be considered adults, but we have yet to really delve down into why we’re so…...

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When does a kid become an adult?

  When does a kid become an adult? Does it magically happen on their 18th birthday? When they graduate from high school? When they get their first job? When they’re financially independent of their parents? Here in Nebraska, and throughout the United States, our laws often struggle to answer that…...

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Treating Kids Differently

Kids are different than adults. On its surface that’s a fairly simple, obvious statement. If you’ve spent any time around children of any age whether they’re cute, tiny babies, precocious preschoolers, or teenagers giving you attitude, you know it’s true. Not only do kids look different than adults, they act…...

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A new era for juvenile justice

  If you follow the news, you probably noticed that a lot of things happened this Tuesday. On October 1st, the new health care exchanges got up and running, a new fiscal year for the federal government started,  and… the federal government shut down, since Congress failed to pass a…...

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Finding Inspiration in our Nation’s Capital

If you follow the news from Washington D.C. these days, you may be surprised to hear me describe my recent visit as inspiring. Just why did I leave D.C. feeling so energized and enthusiastic? Well, despite being the city of  muggy summer weather and partisan bickering, a little over a…...

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New path for crossover youth

Achieving positive outcomes for youth involved in the child welfare system can be challenging, as is achieving positive outcomes for youth who have been involved in delinquent behaviors.   The challenges become even greater for youth who have been maltreated AND were convicted of a juvenile crime. This group is commonly…...

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Is Nebraska the next “Comeback State”?

Last week, the National Juvenile Justice Network and the Texas Public Policy Foundation released a new report on the promising juvenile justice trends in a number of states. These nine comeback states  have successfully reversed earlier trends and significantly reduced youth incarceration, all while maintaining public safety....

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Nebraska’s Session of Youth

  A little more than a year ago, the Legislature’s “Session of Children” adjourned after lots of hard work and heated debate. As the 2013 Legislative Session draws to a close, and more bills cross the finish line, it is incredibly encouraging to see that the Legislature’s commitment to investing…...

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