Ensuring that all children in Nebraska grow up to be happy and healthy adults requires a framework that extends beyond the traditional. When thinking about the course of a child’s life, it is important to consider the long-term impacts of different experiences on outcomes in adulthood. New data released last…...
What Paul Ryan Got Wrong — and Right — on Poverty
Last week, U.S. Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin revealed a new plan to address the growing numbers of Americans living in poverty. In 2012, 15 percent of Americans, or about 46.5 million people, were living poverty and the percentage of children was even higher at about 20 percent. In Nebraska, there are…...
Efforts to Raise the Minimum Wage Continue
Nebraska is a state that values hard work and the majority of Nebraskans recognize that we all benefit from a strong economy with good jobs. Last year, a bill to increase the state minimum wage to $9.00 per hour failed to pass the Legislature, but polling shows that policymakers are not in step with…...