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Race for Results: White Children in Nebraska

Over the last several weeks we have been reviewing the Annie E. Casey foundation’s “Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children” policy report. This report explored the intersection of kids, race and opportunity and debuts the new Race for Results Index. So far in this series we have featured posts on how kids in Nebraska in each of the 5 featured racial groups are doing. Check out our previous posts to learn more about the Race for Results Index scores for African-American children, American Indian children, Latino children, and Asian children.  Today in our final post we will investigate white children in Nebraska and offer recommendations for what can be done to build a pathway to opportunity for all children in Nebraska.

It’s no surprise that white children in Nebraska are doing relatively well compared to white children nationally and to children of other races in Nebraska. According to the index, Nebraska’s white children score 746 out of 1,000 possible, 42 points higher than the national average. These children are actually outscored by Nebraska’s Asian children, but only by 4 points. Nebraska’s white children outscore the national average in each indicator of the index with the exception of 4th grade reading proficiency and 8th grade math proficiency. See the chart below for more information on each of the indicators.

Just because white children in Nebraska are doing relatively well, we can’t just be happy with the status quo. There is always improvements to make to ensure that ALL Nebraska kids of all races are set up for success and have an equitable chance for opportunity. If Nebraska is able to do so well for our White children, there is no reason that children of other races cannot do as well and have the tools necessary to set them on a path to opportunity.

The Casey report makes several recommendations to decrease racial disparities. These include:

  1. Gather and analyze racial and ethnic data to inform all phases of programs, policies and decision making.
  2. Use data and impact assessment tools to target investments to yield the greatest impact for children of color.
  3. Develop and implement promising and evidence-based programs and practices focused on improving outcomes for children and youth of color.
  4. Integrate economic inclusion strategies within economic and workforce development efforts.

Along with these recommendations, Voices for Children is partnering with community organizations to host a state-wide conference enabling the space and necessary dialogue around creating systems changes that will help close these disparities and promote an equitable pathway to opportunity for Nebraska children of ALL races. Stay tuned in the coming months for more information on December’s Race Matters Conference.

Thank you to taking the time to share!

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