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LB 518: Change certain eligibility provisions of the medical assistance program (Prenatal care repeal)

As introduced: LB 518 would repeal LB 599 (2012), which expanded coverage for certain benefits under the medical assistance program to previously ineligible persons, including persons unlawfully present in the United States.

Introducing Senator(s): Janssen

Committee: Health and Human Services

Committee Hearing Date:  March 21, 2013

Current Status: Indefinitely Postponed

Estimated Fiscal Impact: This bill repeals coverage of prenatal services for the unborn regardless of the status of the mother in the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

This bill would result in staff savings of $271,710 ($84,149 General Fund and $187,561 Federal Funds) annually. Annual state aid savings would be $2,522,984 ($781,368 General Fund and $1,741,616 Federal Funds). Savings in FY 2013-14 would be for three-quarters of the year. Staff savings would be $203,783 ($63,112 General Fund and $140,671 Federal Funds) and aid savings would be $1,892,238 ($567,671 General Fund and $1,324,567 Federal Funds).

Voices for Children’s Position: Opposed (see our testimony)

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