As introduced: This bill changes the payment for families qualifying for the Aid to Dependent Children Program from an amount not to exceed $300 a month for a two-person family plus an additional $75 per month for each additional family member to a payment based on a percent of the standard of need. The percentages are: 60% for FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15; 65% for FY 16 and FY 17 and not less than 70% for FY 18 and thereafter. The operative date is July 1, 2013.
Introducing Senator(s): Campbell
Committee: Health and Human Services
Committee Hearing Date: February 21, 2013
Current Status: Not voted out of committee
Estimated Fiscal Impact: This bill increases the payment to ADC families, but does not change the qualifications of the program. In December 2012, there were 7,385 families receiving assistance. The increase to 60% of the standard of need would increase the average payment by $108 a month. The annual increase in costs would be $9,613,498 ($2,980,184 GF and $6,633,314 FF) in FY 14 and FY 15. In the following years the costs would increase because of the higher percentage of the standard of need that would apply and because the standard of need is adjusted every other year.
Voices for Children’s Position: Support (see our testimony)
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