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LB 330: Increase the gross income limit in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

As introduced: The intent of LB 330 is to make changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in order to allow working families to increase their wages without losing the vital support of SNAP. The bill would keep the current net income limits in SNAP, but increase the gross income limit, which would allow families that can show that their expenses make it hard to buy food to be eligible for SNAP.

Introducing Senator(s): Howard; Conrad

Committee: Health and Human Services

Committee Hearing Date: March 14, 2013

Current Status: Not voted out of committee

Estimated Fiscal Impact: Based on the U. S. Census, the potential pool of additional individuals and family would increase by 34,500 households. It is estimated that approximately 5% to 10% would meet the net income limit after applying deductions for allowable expenses. Approximately 1,725 to 3,450 additional households would be eligible. The aid costs are paid for from federal funds.

The workload increase would require between four and eight social service workers. At the higher end of the estimated caseload increase, a supervisor would also be needed. The application for SNAP has recently been streamlined by increasing the asset limit to $25,000 which requires less worker time to check for resources, since very few families would have assets close to that amount. The costs would range from $192,552 ($96,276 GF and FF) to $445,308 ($222,654 GF and FF) annually.

Voices for Children’s Position: Support (see our testimony)

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