As introduced: Eligible former foster youth can voluntarily elect to extend case management and other services (including Medicaid, housing assistance and educational assistance) though DHHS. Under the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, Title IV-E eligibility can be extended until a former foster youth reaches age 21, which would allow Nebraska to take part in the federal matching of funds
As Amended: On or before July 1, 2013, the Nebraska Children’s Commission shall appoint a Young Adult Voluntary Services and Support Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the Nebraska Children’s Commission and to DHHS for a statewide implementation plan meeting the program requirements, with reports submitted to the Governor, Health and Human Services Committee of the Legislature and DHHS by October 1, 2013. The committee shall me biannually thereafter to advise DHHS and the Nebraska Children’s Commission regarding ongoing implementation and progress. The amendment defines case management services to include a case plan developed jointly by the youth and DHHS to assist the young adult in transitioning into independent living.
This bill is only applicable to foster care youth (“3b” and delinquent youth under the care of the Office of Juvenile Services are not eligible to extend services).
Introducing Senator(s): McGill; Dubas; Bolz; Conrad
Committee: Health and Human Services
Committee Hearing Date: January 31, 2013
Current Status: Approved by Governor June 4, 2013
Estimated Fiscal Impact: For FY 2013-2014, the fiscal note is $1,828,943 (with $793,258 coming from the general funds and $1,035,685 coming from federal funds). For FY 2014-2015, the fiscal note is $2,733,117 (with $1,205,017 coming from general funds and $1,528,100 coming from federal funds).
Voices for Children’s Position: Support (See our testimony)
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