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Is Your Senator Listening to the Voters on Minimum Wage?

Click here to contact your senator and ask him or her to oppose LB 599.

Last week, the legislature advanced LB 599, which reduces the minimum wage for high school students in Nebraska. There are many policy reasons why this is a bad idea; it hurts working families, it makes college even more unaffordable, and it incentivizes kids to drop out of high school. Beyond that, the senators who supported LB 599 contradicted the will of voters in their districts. The will of their constituents was made clear on Election Day, when 60% of voters chose to raise the minimum wage for Nebraskans for all ages.  LB 599 would dial back the increase in the minimum wage for students under the age of 19 just months after voters approved this increase.

Did your senator listen to his or her constituents? Check the graph below to see how your senator voted on LB 599, and what percent of your district supported the minimum wage increase. 

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