As part of our research into child welfare reform in Nebraska, we felt it would be helpful to put the current action in historically context. As a result, Voices for Children has compiled a timeline of the Evolution of Child Welfare – both in Nebraska and Nationally. The timeline…...
Children or Adults?
Every year in the United States, about 200,000 young people are tried, sentenced, or incarcerated as adults. What exactly does that mean? It means that these young people don’t have the chance to access the rehabilitative services and supports that they would in juvenile court. It often means that they…...
Juvenile Justice History 101
Adults aren’t the only ones who break the law. Every year, many children and youth come into conflict with the law for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from status offenses that apply only because of age (truancy, possession of alcohol) to criminal offenses (shoplifting, possession of drugs, assault).…...
The Other Side of the Tracks: Nebraska Kids in Out-of-Home Care
Take a moment and step into the shoes of a child placed in out-of-home care. Imagine being taken away from your parents, friends, and home and placed into an unfamiliar situation, most likely surrounded by strangers. Every year since 1988, Nebraska has had over 8,000 children in out-of-home care at…...