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25 for 25: A Blueprint for Action

In the early years of Voices for Children in Nebraska, the organization held regular conferences and presentations with national and local experts in communities across the state.  Topics were generally focused on juvenile justice and child welfare issues. In 1997, Voices for Children organized the first “Blueprint for Action” conference. …...

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Are All Nebraska’s Children Equal?

Earlier this year, the University of Nebraska – Omaha released a comprehensive report on youth of color in our juvenile justice system. For those who know the juvenile justice system well, perhaps it’s no surprise that what the study found was that youth of color are disproportionately represented at every level of the juvenile justice system…...

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Summer intern William Lynch examines juvenile justice

William Lynch is a senior political science & theology double major at Creighton. He is a summer intern at Voices for Children in Nebraska, focused on juvenile justice policy. “If I have learned nothing else as a Creighton student, it is that I should live my life “for and with others.”…...

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Kids Count turns 20!

We are commemorating our 25th Anniversary with 25 posts about our history and accomplishments between now and the Spotlight Gala on September 15.  Join us for a celebration of Voices for Children and all of the organizations, lawmakers, and individuals who have supported our work on behalf of children.  For details, visit voicesforchildren.com/spotlight-gala.…...

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Spotlight on State Senator Kathy Campbell, Champion for Children Award

Voices for Children is honored to recognize State Senator Kathy Campbell with the first-ever Champion for Children Award at the Spotlight Gala.  The Champion for Children Award serves as recognition of a current lawmaker who has gone above and beyond on behalf of children and families.  In our 25 years…...

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Stepping up for Kids: What Should Nebraska Do to Support Kinship Families?

  Today, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released a new policy report on kinship care, Stepping up for Kids: What Governments and Communities Should Do to Support Kinship Families. Kinship care is the age-old tradition of relatives and close family friends caring for children when their parents are unable to do…...

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25 for 25: In the beginning…

  We are commemorating our 25th Anniversary with 25 posts about our history and accomplishments between now and the Spotlight Gala on September 15.  Join us for a celebration of Voices for Children and all of the  organizations, lawmakers, and individuals who have supported our work on behalf of children.   …...

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Spotlight on Betty Cernech, Lifetime Achievement Award

Voices for Children in Nebraska is proud to honor Betty Cernech in recognition of her long career as an advocate for children and families in Nebraska. Her passion for community and public health programs for vulnerable people – from the unborn to the elderly – has driven her work and…...

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Spotlight Gala: Celebrating 25 years of Voices for Children

  2011 marked a turning point for Voices for Children, as founding executive director Kathy Bigsby Moore retired after 23 years of leading the organization.  At the completion of my first year as the new Executive Director, I was passionate about continuing her legacy and all the work that Voices…...

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Legislative Scorecard 2012

  Our state senators make a lot of choices over the course of the legislative session, and the 102nd Legislative Session (2011-2012) was no exception.   During the two year session, 15 of Voices for Children’s priority bills made it to a final vote.  Today we present our first ever legislative…...

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