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2013 Spotlight Gala Awards- Lifetime Achievement

The 2013 Spotlight Gala shines a spotlight on those who work to improve the lives of children and families through the presentation of the Spotlight Awards.   I won’t give you Dr. Tom Tonniges’ resume, his extensive list of accomplishments, because frankly—it is too long for a blog post.  What…...

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2013 Spotlight Gala Awards – Individual

The 2013 Spotlight Gala shines a spotlight on those who work to improve the lives of children and families through the presentation of the Spotlight Awards.   Did you know that in Nebraska, an adoptive parent of a young child must be given the same leave of absence in the…...

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Finding Inspiration in our Nation’s Capital

If you follow the news from Washington D.C. these days, you may be surprised to hear me describe my recent visit as inspiring. Just why did I leave D.C. feeling so energized and enthusiastic? Well, despite being the city of  muggy summer weather and partisan bickering, a little over a…...

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2013 Spotlight Gala Awards -Youth

  The 2013 Spotlight Gala shines a spotlight on those who work to improve the lives of children and families through the presentation of the Spotlight Awards.   And the 2013 Spotlight Youth Award goes to… Steven Juarez! Voices for Children is honored to recognize Steven Juarez, 17, with the…...

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Shout Out: Spirit of Western Nebraska

When we talk about kids in our state, we know the needs are vast and wide – as vast and wide as our state itself.  As a statewide organization it is so important that we look at the unique needs of kids in all parts of Nebraska, both rural and…...

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A Toast to Voices from the 2013 LVC Volunteer

Editor’s note: This year, Voices for Children has been lucky to have Courtnay VanDeVelde with us, serving as a year-long Lutheran Volunteer Corps member.  Today, on the last day of her year of service with us, we asked her to share some of her final thoughts. As I entered my…...

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Is Nebraska the next “Comeback State”?

Last week, the National Juvenile Justice Network and the Texas Public Policy Foundation released a new report on the promising juvenile justice trends in a number of states. These nine comeback states  have successfully reversed earlier trends and significantly reduced youth incarceration, all while maintaining public safety....

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Coming in 8th – or how Nebraska’s KIDS COUNT rank doesn’t tell the whole story

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s National KIDS COUNT Data Book was released on Monday.  The Data Book provides policymakers and citizens with benchmarks of child well-being that in turn can enrich local, state, and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all children.  This book presents the latest trends in…...

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Shout out: Innovative ideas that make schools healthier

At Voices for Children, our work focuses on bigger picture policy change for kids, but we know there are people on the ground doing amazing things for kids in our communities every day.  Their stories are the pieces that make up the whole story of children and youth.  The “Shout…...

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The KIDS COUNT National Data Book is coming!

If you follow Voices for Children in Nebraska, you undoubtedly hear a lot about the Kids Count in Nebraska Report, but you may not know much about the national report.  The National Data Book takes data from all 50 states, compares states, and provides a ranking.  This report can easily…...

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