Access to health care, especially during the developmental years of early childhood, is critical for children and can have an impact on health outcomes well into adulthood. We hope that the legislature will take steps to ensure that a new system of care adequately meets the needs of our…...
Testimony on LR 306 – Interim Study of ACCESS Nebraska
Thank you to the Health and Human Services Committee and Senator Conrad for taking the time to assess the impact of the new ACCESS Nebraska System on clients and community based organizations. In general, Voices for Children in Nebraska believes that the use of new technology is important to improving…...
Child Death Report Highlights Need for Prenatal Care
A news release issued by the Child Death Review team, who operates under the Department of Health and Human Services, reported that between the years of 2007 and 2008 there were 551 child deaths in Nebraska ( Of this number, over 165 of those were a result of some form…...
More children losing health insurance
It’s slightly nerdy to be saying this, but here in the Voices for Children research department, we’ve been looking forward to today’s release of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) for awhile now. Today isn’t just a great excuse to make some charts and graphs, though. It’s also…...
Principles for Health Care Exchanges
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages states to establish new marketplaces, called “Exchanges,” that are meant to serve as a place where individuals and businesses can shop for coverage with the help of easy-to-understand information on all their options. The Exchange will facilitate access to tax credits or Medicaid coverage that will…...
Kids Count in Nebraska 2010 Report
Today, Voices for Children in Nebraska released the 18th annual Kids Count in Nebraska Report. This report contains the same statistical information and commentary about the state of children in Nebraska you have come to expect in the Kids Count in Nebraska Report, plus a few special online-only features....