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A Toast to Voices from the 2013 LVC Volunteer

Editor’s note: This year, Voices for Children has been lucky to have Courtnay VanDeVelde with us, serving as a year-long Lutheran Volunteer Corps member.  Today, on the last day of her year of service with us, we asked her to share some of her final thoughts. As I entered my…...

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SNAP Hangs in the Balance as Congress Readies for Vacation

Each year  both the House and the Senate generally take what’s known as the “August recess” — a chance to spend some time on vacation or back in their home state or district.  Unfortunately, this year Congress will be leaving Washington with an important piece of unfinished business. The Supplemental…...

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A new approach on domestic violence research

  Witnessing domestic violence or intimate partner violence (IPV) is harmful to children.  The popular belief is that women are the victims of IPV and men are the perpetrators.   Yet a comprehensive review of domestic violence research is challenging that notion.  The study suggests that “women perpetrate physical and emotional abuse, as well…...

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A trip to the Hastings Regional Center

  One of my favorite things about the summer is traveling. And I’m not just talking about vacations or weekend camping trips. When things slow down in the halls of state government, staff at Voices for Children have the chance to learn from kids, families, schools, and services providers from…...

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Violence at home has a negative impact on kids

Most people would agree that witnessing violent actions committed on (or by) trusted adults can negatively impact a child’s development. What most people do not know is that violent physical outbursts are but one facet of Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence.  According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, Intimate Partner Violence…...

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Head Start in Nebraska

Earlier this week, we posted about the Head Start evaluation, and how the educational gains are not present into third grade and beyond. Head Start is an important program, and some of the most lasting impacts are found in groups with the greatest need.  In fact “at the end of 3rd grade,…...

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Getting a Head Start on School

Last month, Voices for Children and First Focus co-authored an editorial published in the Omaha World Herald on the need for federal investments in pre-Kindergarten programs.  The Editorial has sparked some responses related to the Head Start Program and the program’s perceived “failure.”  In light of this, it seemed like…...

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Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl

The custody battle for “Baby Veronica” has been discussed and debated around dinner tables across the country, but “Baby Veronica” isn’t a celebrity—at least not in the strictest sense—after all, she is not a singer/actress/athlete, nor is she the daughter of a singer/actor/athlete.   “Baby Veronica” is the 3-year-old biological daughter…...

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Shout out: Immigration advocates

At Voices for Children, our work focuses on bigger picture policy change for kids, but we know there are people on the ground doing amazing things for kids in our communities every day.  Their stories are the pieces that make up the whole story of children and youth.  The “Shout…...

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Is Nebraska the next “Comeback State”?

Last week, the National Juvenile Justice Network and the Texas Public Policy Foundation released a new report on the promising juvenile justice trends in a number of states. These nine comeback states  have successfully reversed earlier trends and significantly reduced youth incarceration, all while maintaining public safety....

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