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Race for Results

Yesterday, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the report Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for all Children. The report highlights the ongoing disparities in health, education, development, and family economics by creating an index to compare children of different races’ opportunities. 12 indicators were selected by the…...

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Join us for Inequality for All in Grand Island

Join Us for Inequality for All Date:  April 24, 2014 Location:  Grand Theatre, 316 W. 3rd Street, Downtown Grand Island 6:00 pm:  Doors Open...

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Could You Survive on $7.25?

Could you survive on $7.25? That question is particularly pertinent as the Nebraska Legislature prepares to consider LB  943, a bill that would gradually increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.00 an hour by 2017.  The statistics clearly indicates the need for a wage increase. As our Family Bottom…...

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Juvenile Justice Reform Benefits Entire State

Over the past couple of years, the Legislature has taken important action to improve the lives of Nebraska’s children – from prenatal care to child welfare reform, from child care to steps to transform our juvenile justice system. All of these investments have made and will continue to make a…...

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Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for all Children

Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children Time:           10:00 a.m. – Noon CST Date:           Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Location:    Boys Town Conference Center Auditorium, 14100 Crawford Street, Boys Town, NE 68010 Moderator: Dr. Theresa Barron-McKeagney – University of Nebraska Omaha...

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Federal Child Care Bill Takes an Important Step Forward

Last week, the United States Senate advanced a bill to reauthorize the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the primary source of federal funding for child care assistance. CCDBG funds are important because they help ensure that kids are safe so parents can work.  If the bill is passed…...

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Home Visiting Programs in Nebraska

While the budget debate heats up in Washington, federal funds for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECHV) are set to quietly expire this September if Congress fails to reauthorize the program. Since 2010, MIECHV has helped many families in Nebraska by supporting intensive home visiting programs targeted at…...

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Legislature Continues Child Welfare Work

Less than 20 days remain in the 2014 Legislative Session. While there’s still a lot of work for legislators to do, there is already some important progress being made for kids and families involved with the child welfare system. Child welfare has been a major priority of the Legislature in…...

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Raising the Wage: Children and the Wage Gap

Last week, we released findings from our new poll showing that the majority of Nebraskans support increasing the state minimum wage. The poll also found that women overwhelmingly support an increase by a 3:1 ratio—but women in Nebraska aren’t alone. National polling shows that women from both ends of the political spectrum are similarly…...

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Geography Matters

If you’re a kid in Nebraska and you break the law, does where you live impact what happens to you? In an ideal world, the answer to this question would be a resounding no. Kids across our state, rural, urban, and suburban, would be held accountable in similar ways and…...

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