In the fifth post on the federal sequester’s impact on Nebraska’s kids we will investigates cuts to child care. See the first four posts in the sequester series here: Sequester Overview, Head Start, Education, and Public Health.
As a result of the sequester, Nebraska will lose $716,623 in funding for the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG). This grant is the primary federal program that is specifically devoted to child care services and quality. The funds are used to assist low-income families in financing child care while they work or participate in education or training programs. CCDBG funds are also used to enhance the availability of child care and increase quality by providing staff training, assistance to centers in meeting health and safety standards, hiring needed specialists, and investing in higher quality care for our kids. Sequestration cuts will make improvements to quality child care more difficult and costly to providers thereby impacting Nebraska’s kids now and in the future.
The CCDBG’s sequestration cuts will result in up to 200 children losing access to childcare. Each of these children has parents who are low-income but have employment or are working towards a better future for their children through schooling or job training programs. The loss of childcare to these families can be devastating and result in loss of employment and increased use of the welfare system.
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