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2014 Kids Count in Nebraska Report


The 22nd edition of the Kids Count in Nebraska Report continues to offer a visually-oriented look that brings data to life and makes finding information quick and easy. This year’s report also incorporates a few changes to help us tell the whole story of Nebraska’s kids.

In this edition of the report, you will find the summary sheet for our new Pro-Kid Policy Plan for Nebraska, the first-of-its-kind state road map to improve child well-being in Nebraska. It provides a framework to guide our state’s policy in a way that builds pathways to opportunity for all children. In addition to the Pro-Kid Policy Plan, this year’s Kids Count in Nebraska Report includes a thorough update of the education section and county data pages. Certain indicators were changed in order to provide the most accurate data available (by harper). We also added population data to give an overview of what the state looks like. These changes help us to tell the whole story of the well-being of Nebraska’s children.

We are especially excited for this year’s commentary topic “Supporting Working Families.”  The commentary includes a thorough look at the state of working families in Nebraska – how they are thriving and where our state is missing the mark on ensuring that all working families have the tools and resources to ensure future opportunity for all of our state’s children.

Thank you to taking the time to share!


  1. REPLY
    Laura says

    I would like a printed copy of this report. We have a staff member that has vision restrictions. Thank you!

    • REPLY
      Chrissy Tonkinson says

      Hi Laura, could you email us the address of where we can mail the report? We will get it sent out next week. Thanks!

      • REPLY
        Laura says

        Thanks, but I don’t need it anymore. Appreciate it though!

  2. REPLY
    Jodi L. Ross says

    Chrissy, could you email a copy of the report to me at jross@omahahomeforboys.org ? I seem to be having difficulty accessing the report here.

  3. REPLY
    Leah Hladik says

    Can I request a printed copy of this most recent report?

    Leah Hladik
    130 East 9th Street
    Fremont, NE 68025

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