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Vote Kids Nebraska is Here!

JUST IN: Vote Kids Nebraska is here! We asked legislative candidates across the state questions about their stances on youth issues so you don’t have to. Check to see how your candidates responded!

About Vote Kids Nebraska

Children bring us together. Regardless of political affiliation, we all have high aspirations for future generations. Every one of us hopes that our children will grow into productive adults equipped to lead the nation. Whether we live in a liberal or conservative-leaning district, we want to leave our children a future that energizes their potential.

Nebraska politicians should be held accountable in no small part for how well they advance these aspirations. However, many of us are not entirely clear on the state government’s current role in growing opportunity of the next generation– let alone where candidates stand on the issues.

Child policy issues often receive little discussion within campaigns and elections– by voters, candidates, or the media. This is not because candidates and the public do not care about the issues. They do. But child policy issues often do not lend themselves to simple sound bites. They are not considered “hot button” issues that shape many campaigns. The result is that the pressing needs of Nebraska’s children have not been the subject of the type of political discourse required to reach consensus and make meaningful changes.

The Vote Kids Nebraska project was developed to elevate that discourse. This year, Voices for Children has worked with youth across the state to produce an entirely youth-led guide. It is based on the belief that raising youth issues to greater prominence in elections is a way to re-orient our political process towards common concerns and practical solutions.

This project offers a starting point for bringing children’s issues to the forefront of discussions during the 2020 elections. Through Vote Kids Nebraska, you will find survey results from our Nebraska legislative candidates. These surveys aim to help cut through the confusion and allow voters to learn more about politicians, their priorities, and the policy decisions they make on behalf of children.

Thank you to taking the time to share!

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