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Voices for Children Testimony on LB 148


To read Voices for Children’s testimony on LB 148, click here. 

Earlier today,  Julia Tse, Child Welfare Policy Associate at Voices for Children, testified in favor of LB 148, which would allow former foster youth who were in foster care in another state to stay on Medicaid until age 26, mirroring the Affordable Care Act provision that allows children up to 26 years old to remain on their parents’ health insurance plan.

Voices for Children in Nebraska supports LB148 and its efforts to ensure that youth who age out of foster care are able to access the health care coverage that they are entitled to under the Affordable Care Act.  In 2013 alone, 246 youth aged out of foster care in Nebraska without a permanent family to guide them from adolescence to adulthood, representing about 9 percent of all exits.

LB148 is an opportunity for Nebraska to ensure that all children have a chance to be happy and healthy adults, and would be a vital step in improving our state’s outcomes for foster youth.

To read the entire testimony, you can visit: LB 148 – Written Testimony

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