The following is a list of Voices for Children’s priority legislation for the 109th Legislature, 1st Session. Live updates for our bills will updated accordingly throughout the session. 

We’ve linked to the bill landing pages below. You can also watch the Nebraska Legislature Live throughout the session. This link will provide direct access to active live streams of committee and legislative hearings, along with links available for later live streams set to take place as well. 

Please feel free to reach out to us to get involved on any of these bills and make your voice heard for Nebraska kids. To contact your state senator, click here.

Juvenile Justice

LB 65: Exempt individuals under nineteen years of age from payment of certain court costs and fees and change provisions of the Nebraska Juvenile Code
Introducer: Senator DeBoer 
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 149: Eliminate the prohibition on suspending a student in prekindergarten through second grade
Introducer: Senator Hansen
Status: Referred to Education Committee
Voices for Children’s Position: Oppose

LB 352: Change provisions relating to reports on student achievement and discipline required under the Quality Education Accountability Act
Introducer: Senator Ballard
Status: Referred to Education Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support 
Click here to read Voices for Children’s position

LB 395: Change provisions relating to unlawful possession of a firearm by a prohibited juvenile offender and sealed records
Introducer: Senator DeKay
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose

LB 407: Provide for criminal proceedings against juveniles charged with felonies following unsuccessful juvenile court proceedings and provide for inadmissibility of certain statements
Introducer: Senator J. Cavanaugh
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Determining

LB 430: Provide an additional exception to the prohibition on suspending a student in prekindergarten through second grade and change provisions relating to short-term and long-term suspension under the Student Discipline Act
Introducer: Senator Murman
Status: Referred to Education Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose

LB 492: Change juvenile court jurisdiction relating to habitual truancy and provisions relating to compulsory school attendance
Introducer: Senator Conrad
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position:  Support

LB 556: Change jurisdiction of juvenile courts and adult criminal courts and change provisions relating to detention and hearings under the Nebraska Juvenile Code
Introducer: Senator Riepe
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose

LB 567: Authorize school policies relating to community engagement
Introducer: Senator Quick
Status: Referred to Education Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support 
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 584: Change sentencing provisions for crimes committed by a person younger than eighteen years of age
Introducer: Senator Spivey
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support 

LB 670: Require schools to adopt a safety plan and provide and change requirements related to training for staff of child care and schools
Introducer: Senator Murman
Status: Referred to Education Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 684: Transfer juvenile probation functions to a new Juvenile Probation Agency in the executive branch
Introducer: Senator Bostar
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Determining

LB 700: Provide for confidentiality of prosecutions and adjudications of minors, extend jurisdiction under the Nebraska Juvenile Code, provide requirements for custodial interrogations of juveniles and young adults, prohibit use of certain statements, prohibit sending juveniles out of state, and provide for use and reimbursement of reporting centers
Introducer: Senator McKinney
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

Child Welfare

LB 104: Adopt the Family Home Visitation Act
Introducer: Senator Raybould
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 181: Provide for benefits under the Young Adult Bridge to Independence Act for young adults not lawfully present in the United States
Introducer: Senator M. Cavanaugh
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 217: Require suicide awareness and prevention training for employees of child-placing agencies and child welfare workers
Introducer: Senator Fredrickson
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 296: Require the State Department of Education to create a centralized education records system and employ registrars relating to students under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and change provisions relating to graduation requirements and the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund
Introducer: Speaker Arch
Status: Advanced to Enrollment and Review
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 298: Provide for the Division of Legislative Oversight, the Director of Legislative Oversight, and the Legislative Oversight Committee and change provisions relating to the Public Counsel, the office of Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare, and the office of Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
Introducer: Speaker Arch
Status: Referred to Executive Board
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 368: Establish the Nebraska Youth in Care Bill of Rights
Introducer: Senator Hunt
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 462: Change reporting requirements relating to child abuse or neglect, parental rights, and juvenile court jurisdiction
Introducer: Senator McKinney
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

Economic Stability

LB 13: Require the Department of Health and Human Services to file a state plan amendment relating to child care
Introducer: M. Cavanaugh
Status: Placed on General File with AM249
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 45: Provide for grants for job programs for historically underserved youth
Introducer: Senator McKinney
Status: Referred to Business and Labor Committee
Voices for Children’s Position: Support
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 46: Establish a Restaurant Meals Program under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Introducer: Senator McKinney
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position 

LB 95: Provide for a pilot program under the federal Child Care Subsidy program
Introducer: Senator Fredrickson
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 102: Change requirements relating to the standard of need under the aid to dependent children program
Introducer: Senator Spivey 
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 157: Adopt the Child Tax Credit Act
Introducer: Senator Conrad
Status: Referred to Revenue Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 192: Eliminate a sunset date under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Introducer: Senator Quick
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to view Voices for Children’s position

LB 223: Prohibit discrimination based on lawful source of income under the Nebraska Fair Housing Act
Introducer: Senator Guereca
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 258: Change provisions relating to the minimum wage under the Wage and Hour Act
Introducer: Senator Raybould
Status: Referred to Business and Labor Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose

LB 304: Eliminate a sunset date for the federal Child Care Subsidy program
Introducer: Senator DeBoer
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to view Voices of Children’s position

LB 379: Change the maximum time limit for receipt of cash assistance under the Welfare Reform Act
Introducer: Senator Andersen
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose

LB 442: Establish a state child care subsidy program
Introducer: Senator Spivey
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 710: Increase the earned income tax credit
Introducer: Senator Bostar
Status: Referred to Revenue Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support


LB 14: Adopt the Hunger-Free Schools Act
Introducer: Senator M. Cavanaugh
Status: Referred to Education Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 41: Change blood test requirements for pregnant women
Introducer: Senator Riepe
Status: Advanced to Enrollment and Review
Voices for Children Position: Support
Click here to read Voices for Children’s position

LB 89: Adopt the Stand With Women Act
Introducer: Senator Kauth
Status: Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose

LB 189: Adopt the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act
Introducer: Senator M. Cavanaugh
Status: Referred to Business and Labor Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 192: Eliminate a sunset date under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Introducer: Senator Quick
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support

LB 283: Require the Department of Health and Human Services to implement express lane eligibility
Introducer: Senator Spivey 
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support 

LB 318: Require the Department of Health and Human Services to file a state plan amendment under the Medical Assistance Act for incarcerated youth
Introducer: Senator Rountree
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support 

LB 319: Change eligibility requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Introducer: Senator Rountree
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee
Voices for Children Position: Support 

LB 698: Change provisions of the Nebraska Healthy Families and Workplaces Act
Introducer: Senator Strommen
Status: Referred to Business and Labor Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose

Race Equity and Inclusion

LB 552: Prohibit public postsecondary educational institutions from having a diversity, equity, and inclusion office and taking certain actions relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion
Introducer: Senator Lippincott
Status: Referred to Education Committee
Voices for Children Position: Oppose