Both students and teachers deserve a safe and healthy school environment. By creating strong, inclusive and supportive schools AND ensuring that schools have the resources to meet individual educational and behavioral needs, we can create environments where teachers can do their job of helping prepare young people for the future.
On Monday, January 13, the Nebraska Legislature will consider a bill that will move Nebraska schools in the wrong direction by encouraging teachers to use physical interventions on students and to remove students from class without due process required by our state constitution. Research shows that these regressive school discipline policies will have the most significant impact on kids with disabilities and kids of color. LB 147 with AM 1803 does not provide needed resources or requirements for training or any support to meet students’ behavioral health and other needs and would encourage Nebraska schools to use outdated methods of discipline that will hinder student success.
Contact your stater senator TODAY and ask them to stand up for Nebraska kids and vote NO on LB 147 and AM 1803.